The purpose of life?
Whats the purpose of life? We are born.. and we have no control over that ..what family, what background we get we clearly have no control on daddy poor daddy....And then as soon as we are 3-4 years old we start our education..again achha school, ghatiya school; convent school, sarkaari school...
The burden of studies is so much that we don't get time for sports...also its very risky to opt sports as a career...politics etc etc..And no wonder we don't get medals in Olympics.
Then anyhow finish the studies...if u didn't have enough money and enough brain then probably u'll end up with a Bachelor's degree (BA, BSc, BCom) which is of no use.You don't have a job.Life is hell.
But anyway, who had both brain and money and completed some professional some decent job..and and ..still not happy..Till now we were trying as hard as we can to make a good career.We could not enjoy sports, we could not enjoy happiness was so fast we didn't had time for other things..We could not think for our nation, for our society, for the poor people, for the people who really need help.
Then we get some happiness...for some time..or even this may not be true for some people.Then new members in the spend the rest of your life for them...forget ur parents..they are not needed now.
And in the end say.. Never got time to do any thing for the country, for the society,..though I always wanted fact never got time for myself too..always in a hurry...could not realize how I turned 60...and now.....Life was so aimless....just a race...